Monday, February 22, 2016

You do not have permissions to see this view. Contact a system administrator on What's New - CRM 2015/2016


Today we have observed for one of the users in CRM What's new section is not loading properly and it was showing the below error.

You do not have permissions to see this view. Contact a system administrator.
For fixing the issue, we need to give privileges on

1) At least User level Read rights on Filter
2) Organization level Read rights on Post Configuration

Without giving this, you may receive the above error but clicking on the Refresh symbol on the What's New section should still allow you to view the records strange but true.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Plugin on Re-Open Opportunity in CRM


Today I got a requirement to do some business logic when re-opening the opportunity. First of all, I thought writing a plugin and having pre-image to compare the state or status reason. Again I just checked the plugin messages on the opportunity as Won, Lost, SetState and SetStateDynamicEntity.

To trigger the plugin on Reopen the opportunity, we need to register the plugin on SetState or SetStateDynamicEntity. Won triggers when we won the opportunity and Lost when we close the opportunity as Lost.

Hope this helps.

Happy CRM'ing

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

SharePoint solution activate button is disabled


Today we are working on integrating CRM with SharePoint. As we all know if we need to upload list component in SharePoint and activate it. When I tried upload, observed that the Activate button is disabled even though I logged in as Admin.

The problem is that "SharePoint User Code Host" service was disabled which was of course due to the "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service" being Stopped (or probably in this case just never started to begin with).

To start the service, navigate to Open Central Administration--> System Settings --> Manage Services on Server and start "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service".
Hope it helps.

Happy CRM'ing

Monday, February 8, 2016

Missing prvReadComplexControl privilege in CRM

Recently, we have created a new security role in CRM and given the same to the users. When I was testing suddenly an error came up throwing the below message.
Principal user (Id=37bb181a-da66-446e-9ef7-7c078b76ef7e, type=8) is missing prvReadComplexControl privilege.
I never heard about Complex Control in CRM, after a little bit of search came to know that we need to give read permission on Process Configuration entity under Customization tab.
After a quick search on MSDN, it is clearly as mentioned as below
"This entity is for internal use only. However, users need read access to this entity in order to see the updated experience for lead and opportunity forms."

So make sure you give the read access on Process Configuration for the newly created roles.

Happy CRM'ing


Plugin Stages - Pre Validation, Pre Operation and Post Operation

Here is short description about the stages in Plugin.
Pre Validation - Plug-ins registered in this stage may execute outside the database transaction. Registered Plug-in run before the form is validated. It is useful if you want to implement business logic before the actual validation starts.  i.e., Changes made in plug-in won’t be saved if the validation of the main system plugins complain because the changes are outside the database transaction.
For example - Deletion cascades happen prior to pre-operation, therefore if you need any information about the child records, the delete plugin must be pre-validation.
Pre Operation - Plug-ins registered in this stage are executed within the database transaction. In simple words, After validation and before saving the values in database.
Post Operation - Plug-ins registered in this stage are executed within the database transaction. Plugin will run after the values have been inserted/changed on the database

For more information check this Stages, Stages Number and their use in CRM Plugins

Happy CRM'ing

Sunday, February 7, 2016

missing prvReadAsyncOperation privilege


Today one of my plugins thorown an exception with the below message.

"Principal user (Id=GUID, type=8) is missing prvReadAsyncOperation privilege"

We have created a secuirty role  and we forgot to grant Read Privelige to System Job for the security role.

Giving Read access on the System Job entity fixed the issue. Refer the below screen shot for your reference.
Hope this helps.
Happy CRM'ing
