Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Asynchronous processing of cascading transactions


Processing of Cascading Transactions plays a crucial role when you are working with the big engagements and dealing with entities where you have many child records. You might have not observed this on the lower instance like Test, UAT, SIT or whatever but I am sure that Synchronous processing of Cascading transactions would be resulting slow performances on the Production as we have more data and transactions are being performed.

I know it's not so easy to discuss this with Customers and make them understand as mainly it deals with data integrity as if something fails someone has to monitor System Jobs. However, It's worth to discuss with Customers and make them understand the consequences and take an action.

Go through Microsoft Docs for more information.

Hope this helps.

Happy CRM'ing

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Retrieve Cases associated with Contacts and Accounts in one go

Hi Everyone,

Today I was working on some work and got a requirement to get Cases of linked with Account and Contact. 

In a normal scenario, we can always do two Calls like 

Cases where CustomerID = Account GUID and 
Cases where CustomerID = Contact GUID

Somehow, I didn't like this approach of making two calls. Spending sometime helped to reduce a call and I was able to retrieve Cases related to Account and Contact in one call.

Here is the FetchXML I have used and uitype plays a major role here.

            <fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>
                                      <entity name='incident'>
                                        <attribute name='title' />
                                        <attribute name='ticketnumber' />
                                        <attribute name='createdon' />
                                        <attribute name='incidentid' />
                                        <attribute name='caseorigincode' />
                                        <order attribute='title' descending='false' />
                                        <filter type='and'>
                                          <condition attribute='customerid' operator='in'>
                                            <value uitype='account'>{ACCOUNT-GUID}</value>
                                            <value uitype='contact'>{Contact-GUID}</value>

Hope this helps.

Happy CRM'ing

Configure Auto Number fields from OOB UI

Hi Everyone,

We all know there is a new UI - WYSIWYG is out for General Use and I was just trying something and found that we can create Auto number fields from new UI now. 

We used to use a piece of code to do in older versions, now with this new approach we don't need any code.

Login to CE (CRM) --> Customize the System --> Try New Experience.
Select the entity/Create a entity as per your requirement and select the field that needs to configured as Auto Number.

Hope this helps.

Happy CRM'ing