Wednesday, August 16, 2017

'Cannot specify child attributes in the columnset for Retrieve' when Merging two Accounts in CRM


Today, I was writing C# code for merging two accounts in CRM. For sometime, it was working fine and suddenly it started giving the below error.

Not sure, what happened. Just went back and checked the differences between then and now and understood that I have added couple of fields to the UpdateContent entity object and those are causing the issue.

After some search came to know it was happening because of lookup fields. Whenever, we added lookups field we have to make sure that the entityreference object should not contain value for Name property and we have to explicitly add name attribute to the UpdateContent object as below.

// Add EntityLogicalName + 'Name' property to UpdateContent object.
// updateContent.Attributes.Add("transactioncurrencyame", erfTransactionCurrencyId.Name);
updateContent.Attributes.Add(erfTransactionCurrencyMain.LogicalName + "name", erfTransactionCurrencyId.Name);
// Set the Name Property of the Look up object (Entity Reference) to Null.
erfTransactionCurrencyMain.Name = null;
// Add Lookup object (Entity Reference after setting Name value to Null) to the UpdateContent Object.
updateContent.Attributes.Add("transactioncurrencyid", erfTransactionCurrencyMain);

Hope this helps.

Happy CRM'ing

Monday, August 14, 2017

Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: identityProvider


Today I got the below error while running an console application which retrives account details from CRM.

Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: identityProvider

And that code was working earlier, not sure what went wrong and started searching here and there.

Finally, came to know that there was an extra space in the UserName which I have given as an input for the application to connect to CRM. Removed the space and able to perform my task.

Note : There could be many other reasons causing this issue and this wrong username or extra characters is one of them.

Hope this helps.

Happy CRM'ing

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Field/Attribute is not visible to specify as a Alternate Key


Today we are creating some of the alternate keys in the system for some integrations and observed one of the custom fields which we have created on Contact is not showing up in the Alternate Key list. 

Somehow wondered and checked the field. After checking the field, came to know that Field Security was enabled for it and after disabling it, the field is visible in the fields list of alternate key.

For double checking, added that field to the Alternate Key fields list and tried to enable to Field Security and received the error as below.

Also, it makes sense if we enabled to Field Security not all the users doesn't have read access and that way we are breaking the thumb rule of the Alternate Keys.

Hope this helps.

Happy CRM'ing

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Create products in active state


We have a requirement that Products are created in the CRM from integration and we know that first to use the products those should in Active state otherwise CRM will not show them in any product lookups.

We are thinking to ask Integration team to extend the design to set the status as Active once they creates Product. Just before checking, did some search and as always found an answer in a minute.

In CRM, we have setting which allows to create products in Active State.

Settings -> Administration -> System Settings -> Sales Tab -> Create products in active state -> Select Yes.

Note : This applies only to products without an associated product family.

Hope this helps.

Happy CRM'ing

Monday, August 7, 2017

Case option not available on Dynamics 365 Outlook App


Today while working with new Outlook App suddenly observed that New Case option was removed from it. Little wondered and do not the reason.

After little search came to know that it was because of Read Only In Mobile user (settings -> customizations -> customize the system) was checked.

However, after enabling also it didn't work. Below are the things we should check.

1) Read only in Mobile user should be disabled.
2) Case entity must be selected for Global Search.

If it is not visible even after setting above, follow the below steps.

1) Open IE Browser -> Tools -> Internet Options
2) General Tab -> Delete -> Settings -> Caches and databases
3) As shown in the screen shot select and click on Delete and then Ok button.
4) Restart your Outlook and you will new Case option now.

Hope this helps.

Happy CRM'ing