Tuesday, September 27, 2016

“The type or namespace name 'Route' could not be found” using attribute routing”


I was working on Web Api and I gave all the references and I am getting an error saying

“The type or namespace name 'Route' could not be found” using attribute routing”

I downloaded the solution from TFS and using Nuget, it seems that there is a problem in the referencing of assemblies.

Executed the below command in the Package Console and things started working.

Update-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost -reinstall

Hope this helps.
Happy Coding

Qualify button is not working on Lead Entity


Today we have faced a wierd issue where Qualify button is not working in Online CRM. It was a  vanilla crm with very few form layout changes. When we tried the same things with code, it was working fine.

After some search came to know that apparently the field Company Name is required for this process. Just placed back Company Name field on the form and unchecked Visible by default.

Hope this helps.
Happy CRM'ing,