Monday, March 30, 2015

The word breaker for language 1033 is not installed

Today, when I was installing MS CRM 2011 on the server I got the below error at Microsoft SQL Server

The word breaker for language 1033 is not installed

The solution is simple.

Go back to your SQL Setup file and select new features to SQL Server and select Full text and Semantic Extractions for Search

Even after installing you will get a warning saying

The Word breaker for language -1 is not installed

Just Restart the server machine after you install "Full-text Search" component and then start CRM 2011 installation all over again and the you will notice the Warning is gone.
Happy CRM'ing

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gopi, We don't need to restart the server to get rid of the below warning message. We just need to start the CRM set-up all over again.

    'The Word breaker for language -1 is not installed'

    Thank You for the post and as you say, Happy CRM'ing ;)

