Monday, June 15, 2015

Access Teams Vs Owner Teams in CRM 2013/2015

Here is some information about Access Teams and Owner Teams.
Owner Team
·  As teams in Microsoft Dynamics CRM with security roles
·  Can own records
·  Privileges are granted by security roles and change dynamically as the role definition changes
·  Needs to be manually or programmatically created and managed
·  Will be cached in CRM Server when a user accesses the application

Access Teams
·  Can't be granted security roles
·  Can't own records
·  Accesses records through sharing
·  Sharing privileges are defined by an access team template but don't change dynamically for existing records if the template changes
·  Won't be displayed in most team views
·  Can be system managed, directly from the form of the record that it relates to
·   Won't be cached because it doesn't derive privilege or ownership checks

The advantage of splitting out these type of teams from owner-based teams is that the overhead of adding security roles to a team can be avoided where it is not required. When security roles are added, these can affect performance and scalability in some key ways:
· Team security roles act in a cumulative way, and as a result for each user who is a team member, the privileges for that user need to take into account all the roles of the teams that they are a member of.
· The more teams a user is a member of with security roles, the more complex the calculation that has to be performed.
· To reduce the impact of doing this on each request, the system caches the cumulative permissions for the user as they first connect to CRM.
· When a user has a large number of teams with security roles, this can cause a delay on initial connection after a restart or when the user’s record has been flushed from the cache after 20 minutes of inactivity.
· Whenever the user is added or removed from a team, or the team has its security roles changed, the cache for each user affected needs to be flushed and recalculated on the next connection.
· For rapidly changing teams or team memberships, this can introduce a significant performance and scalability impact to the system
· In these cases, access teams can avoid this impact for team memberships where this is not necessary, that is, where a combination of ownership and sharing is used, access teams can be used for the sharing cases, and avoiding the cache and calculation impact when they change.
Hope this helps.
Happy CRM'ing

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