Monday, October 12, 2015

Update Dynamic Property Instance using JavaScript in CRM 2015

Today we got the requirement to update Dynamic Product Properties of an Opportunity Product using JavaScript.
Here is the JavaScript code for doing it.
function updateProductProperties() {
   var vUpdateProperty = {};
   vUpdateProperty.ValueString = "testing";
   vUpdateProperty.DynamicPropertyId = { Id: "", LogicalName: "dynamicproperty" };
   vUpdateProperty.RegardingObjectId = { Id: "", LogicalName: "opportunityproduct" };
   var vdynamicProductPropertyId = "<DynamicPropertyInstanceGUID>";
   SDK.REST.updateRecord(vdynamicProductPropertyId, vUpdateProperty, "DynamicPropertyInstance", function () { alert("The dynamic property instance record changes were saved"); }, function (error) { alert(error.message); });

Refer this link for Updating Product Properties using C#

Hope this helps.
Happy CRM'ing

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