Saturday, December 3, 2016

Disable OOB Pricing in CRM - Calculate Price - OOBPriceCalculationEnabled in Dynamics CRM


In some projects, we might not use the standard set of pricing and calculation which are OOB by setting the Price Lists and we all know that system requires Price List as a required value on the Quote, Opportunity etc.. for adding products else it will show the warning on the form.

For this scenarios, we can disable the OOB Pricing in CRM. Here are the steps for the same.

1) Navigate to Settins -> Adminstration -> System Settings -> Sales Tab
2) Set Use system pricing calculation to No
Everytime an Opportunity, Quote, Order or Invoice is created or updated the plug-in registered on the CalculatePrice executes to calculate prices as specified in the custom code of the plug-in. The CalculatePriceRequest message doesn’t have any usage scenario of its own. It’s exposed so that you can plug in your own custom pricing calculation logic if you don’t want to use the out-of-box pricing provided by Dynamics CRM.

Here is the sample code for the Plugin - Calculate Price plug-in

Hope this helps.

Happy CRM'ing

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