Friday, December 13, 2019

Reference Panels - Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement

Hi Everyone,

Today I was working on some form design and noticed that there is new thing under tabs as Reference Panel. Explored it little bit and here are more details on the same.

It can display buttons on the form and users can navigate between them. It can display the Sub grid or Quick View form in that and we can give the ICON to select. 

This is good to show two views from the same entity or different entity and users can click the button to see the details. 

Let's see how to configure this.

Navigate the form you would like to add and select Section -> Reference Panel

It will add as a section on the form. Select that section, click Insert on the ribbon and add required Sub grids or Quick View forms with the images.

Add each sub grid into the Reference Panel under each other. Once configured with the required sub grids, publish the form and open in the unified interface.
Hope this helps.

Happy 365'ing

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