Sunday, March 23, 2014

Quick Create Forms in MS CRM 2013

Quick Create forms is the new and wonderful feature given in MS CRM 2013. These are populated when users uses Create+ button in the top navigation bar.
CRM gave Quick Form for the below entities by default

  • Account
  • Campaign Response
  • Case
  • Competitor
  • Contact
  • Lead
  • Opportunity
Activity entities do not support quick create forms. Any of the other System Entities and any custom entities that are not custom activity entities can be enabled to support these forms by selecting Allow Quick Create in the entity definition and creating a quick create form for them.

CRM gave a possibility to create multiple quick create form but all users can only should be used by everyone.
The entity must have the Allow Quick Create option enabled for the quick create form to be displayed.

1.    In the Navigation Pane, click or tap Settings -> Customization -> Customizations. Then click or tap Customize the System.

2.    In the solutions explorer, expand the entity that you want and select Forms.

3.    Select New -> Quick Create Form from the tool bar.

Edit a Quick Create Form: While quick create forms support form scripts and business rules, the purpose of them is different from main forms and they don’t support all the capabilities of main forms. Quick create forms always have one section with three columns. You can’t add additional sections or columns.

The following controls cannot be added to quick create forms:

  • Sub-grids
  • Quick View Forms
  • Web resources
  • Notes
  • Bing Maps


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