Friday, March 7, 2014

Secure and UnSecure Configuration in MS CRM

Difference between Secure / Unsecure Configuration of Plugin Registration tool in CRM 2011

As you all know the plugin registration tool in CRM 2011 contains Secure and Unsecure configuration sections as shown below.

Following are the two key differences found between these two configuration settings.

Unsecure Configuration
Secure Configuration
Unsecure configuration information could be read by any user in CRM. Remember its public information (Ex: Parameter strings to be used in plugin could be supplied here)
The Secure Configuration information could be read only by CRM Administrators.(Eg: Restricted data from normal user could be supplied here)
Imagine that you include a plugin, plugin steps and activate them in a solution. Later solution was exported as Managed Solution to another environment. In this scenario, the supplied unsecure configuration values would be available in the new environment.
The plugin with secure configuration in a solution was exported as Managed Solution to another environment. In this scenario, the supplied secure configuration information would NOT be available in the new environment. The simple  reason behind this is to provide more security to the contents of Secure Configuration

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