Monday, June 15, 2020

Text Control in PowerApps

Hi Everyone,

It's all about Text Control in PowerApps (Canvas App) today. As we all know, Text is a string. Below are main properties or events which we have to remember

• OnChange  - When the state of the control changes
• OnSelect  - When the taps the control
• Visible Property - By definition, it takes bool. True  - It shows the field on the form and we can use this property to show and hide the field. 
• Default Property - Show the text the default text. Sometimes, you might get a requirement to put some text as a default text.
• Hint Text Property - This is initially greyed out and when the users taps on, it changes the control to input. I feel this is a nice one as we can put the right text and that will make users understand what exactly they have to do.
• Mode - Single or Multiline.
• Format Property - format the text Number.
• Clear - Clear shows Cross mark on the Text and user can easily clear the data.

Hope this helps.

Happy 365'ing

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