Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Solution ID is incorrect or missing. Add the correct Solution ID to the URL and try again - Dynamics 365 CE

Hi Everyone,

Today I was getting the below issue when I tried to edit Model Driven App in Make.PowerApps.com (New UI for Solutions) and it is working absolutely fine in Classic Editor.

"The Solution ID is incorrect or missing. Add the correct Solution ID to the URL and try again."

However, to understand more on this, raised a support ticket with Microsoft and continued with my R & D. After spending sometime, found that there is an issue with the URL it is trying to open.

The solution Id is considered as 00000001-0000-0000-0001-00000000009b instead of the Solution ID in which component exists.

This is the URL of the Model Driven App when I opened it from Classic UI.

By the time we analyse this, got a response from Microsoft saying this issue might be due to the missing of "Common Data Service Default Solution" in the environment and they are actively working on the fix and also trying to understand the root cause of it. For now, they have asked to continue with the Classic Editor as a work around.

Hope this helps.

Happy 365'ing

1 comment:

  1. I got this yesterday too when I try edit from the "Apps" tab. I can edit by opening the solution and then selecting "Edit" on the Model-Driven app. But, yeah, it's a bug by the look of it. Thanks for sharing.
