Monday, July 20, 2020

Azure Function URL not working in New Portal

Hi Everyone,

The other day, I was asked by my Test Team to give them an URL to test a Timer Azure Function that triggers on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, we cannot wait for a week to trigger and hence we have changed that to HTTP Trigger Function and given the URL to the Test Team so that they can hit and run on demand.

Immediately got the response from QA Team saying that the URL provided is not working.
Up on investigation, the URL looked like the one in below image with "/api" in the URL but the same URL was populating without "/api" when we browsed the same using Azure Classic Portal.

When we tried the second URL that was without "/api", it was working as expected.
It could be an error on New Azure Portal as the same is working from Azure Classic Portal. Hope it will get fixed in near future.

Hope this helps.

Happy Coding

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