Thursday, July 16, 2020

Sorry, we didn't find that App - Canvas App on Model Driven Form

Hi Everyone,

Today I did develop a small canvas app and have to show it in a section on Model Driven form (Account form). I have added a IFrame on the Model Driven Form and gave the URL of the Canvas App to IFrame. Published the form in Dynamics 365 CE and refreshed the Account page and clicked on the Tab where I have placed the Canvas App, it displayed as below.

"Sorry, we didn't find that App"

Not sure what went wrong, did check the App, URL and Tenant (thinking, I have created the app in other tenant). Everything was fine but lastly found the issue, I have Saved the app but didn't Publish. After publishing, everything worked fine. It was a silly mistake but took sometime to understand it.

Happy 365'ing

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